Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10 things I learned on my recent vacation to Florida....

1. They make swim suits with skirts now...I strongly encourage people to check them out.....

2. Families that dress alike when visiting the Magic Kingdom creep me out - I understand dressing your kids alike so you can spot them in the crowds but do the parents need to wear shirts that say "I'm the Mom of Thing 1 & 2"?

3. There are still nice gate agents and flight attendants, you just have to treat them like people and not people who work FOR you.....they may even do you some favors.....

4. I highly recommend drinking when your 15 month old screams on the 3 hour plane ride home, it really takes the edge off.....

5. The more people you travel with, the more likely someone on your trip will get some sort of puking bug.

6. When visiting the Magic Kingdom you will be treated like a herd of cattle, don't take it personally, they are just trying to move you along.......

7. Grandparents are amazing, they help you out when you need them, watch your kids when you need a break and may even bring you with them to Florida...but when they start mentioning things like "We'll really miss you guys" or "Wow, it is going to be so quiet here when you're gone" and you still don't leave for a few days....that's your cue....start packing.....

8. Things in gift shops that seem like good ideas to buy for your kids will only be thrown under their bed when they get home......my kids bought about 7 new hats, 3 stuffed animals and a few other random items - their favorite thing? The free Benihana chopsticks from dinner - they are still playing with them...I could have saved a lot of money.

9. If your kids tell you they don't want to meet the characters, and you insist it will be fun and you then stand in line for 45 minutes only to have to RUN past the characters when you finally get to the front, then you can only blame yourself...not your kids.

10. If you stay at someone else's house on vacation you will most likely have to replace a few things (a comforter, a spatula, a pool skimmer...) If they are good friends of yours, they will most likely understand.......

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