Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Did I mention that I DON'T cook????

Occasionally, I will pop around on the web looking for some easy recipes to make for my family....I either bookmark them or print them out and then I never see them again, but my intentions are good.....I assure you.

I found this blog today:


First of all...anything with "Bacon" in the name will immediately capture my attention...I'm not a salad girl nor do I pretend to be one.....

Now, I can't make a foie gras (I'm not sure I even really know what that is) but I can make Chocolate Cake in a Mug - I'm sure of it! What better dish to serve when you are hosting your next girl's night out (a.k.a. bitch session, PMS party, "Thank God the Kids are In Bed and We are Boozing" get-together)?

Mmmmmm....I could make this in secret and no one in my house will even know there was even a cake to be had......Have I also mentioned that I have a problem with saying no to sweets? My kids were asked today what their mom's favorite food was and they replied "Junk Food" & "Cookies"......apparently I have to work on the Food Pyramid with them.....(after I finish my cake-in-a-mug.....)

Bon Appetit!

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