Monday, February 27, 2012

My "interest" in "Pinterest"...

I was recently introduced to Pinterest by several friends.  For those of you who have been living under a rock for the last year or so and don't know what Pinterest is, here is the website:  It's basically a site where people can pull together, images, recipes and other favorites from the web and have them all in a nice, neat package.  Now, back to being introduced...  When I say introduced, I'm referring to the type of introduction you had in high school to cigarettes or some other addicting substance.  Thanks a lot girls, I am now addicted to this website like it's crack.  Check me into rehab, because I am out of control.  I look like Nick Nolte in his famous mug shot right now as I sit on my couch and wait for my kids to get home from school.  Unless, I have somewhere to go where other people are counting on me, I am home "cleaning" and "cooking", oh yeah and "organizing" via Pinterest.  I have remodeled and redecorated my entire house (in my head).  I have found 173 gluten-free recipes to make and 341 crafts that I will be doing with my kids.  In fact, I have found so many things for my children that they will be crafting/creating with me until they go away to college.  I have quotes galore, I could probably wallpaper my house with quotes...funny quotes, family quotes, quotes about my kids, inspirational quotes and "make you think" quotes.  I have so many DIY projects for my husband to help me with that he started actually going to the gym.  He would rather have a brutal workout then come home and help me build a riser for our washer and dryer, imagine that?

I guess my question is, "What in the hell do I do with all this information?  I'm on overload.  I'm following people, people are following me...I'm starting to get paranoid.  Do you pick one thing a day and gradually chop away at it until it's done and then post "YOU DID IT!" or is it more of a private moment where you're just proud of yourself? 

Anyway, I figure that I'm going to have to start setting a timer to limit the amount of my day/life I spend on Pinterest.  It used to be "just during my coffee" I would browse around at friend's pins, but I can drag coffee out until at least 2 p.m.  I'm sure most people reading this are probably questioning how you can literally p*** your day away on a website?  Trust me, it can be done, when you're least expecting look up suddenly, see the clock and it's time for your kids to get off the bus and you have been "pinning" the day away.

All I can say is Damn you Pinterest!  Damn you!  Now, I'm off to find a hat to cover my Nick Nolte hair and meet my kids at the bus stop.  When they ask me how my day was, I can say "Well kids, I had good intentions......"