Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What is the real deal with "The Secret"? for months now, ALL people have been telling me is "You have to read 'The Secret'" or "Did you hear about whats-her-face and what happened to her after she read 'The Secret'"? So, I asked my sister (who lives in L.A. and seems to know what is going on) - what is the real deal with "The Secret" and why is everyone reading it and RAVING about it? She told me crazy stories about people she knows who have read this book. She even told me that after she read the book several times she came into some money which she really needed at the time (it was owed to her but the person who needed to pay it couldn't locate her for a while - I'm not claiming she won Publisher's Clearing House or anything like that....) I am still skeptical at this point after she tells me all this and then I see Oprah and Ellen talking about it - well now you have peaked my interest even more, because if my "daytime friends" (yes, they are my friends in my head - I'm not crazy, just suffering from momnesia, mommy overload, being committed at an early age, blah blah blah).
So my sister recently brought the book home as she was visiting from L.A. and my dad (who is an even bigger skeptic than I) read the financial section a few times per my sister's request. Well, I have to tell you that two days later someone put a letter in his mailbox telling my parents that they were interested in buying their house! (in this economy, how many notes like this do you think are flying around???)
So, today I logged on to and purchased my own copy of "The Secret" - a friend told me not to get it from the library because I won't want to return it (which angers our local librarian) and I will want to write in it (which makes the library staff angry as well). I will write about my newly discovered fortune after I read the book on my vacation next week.......stay tuned....
(Please note: I am in no way affiliated with "The Secret", the people who wrote it or illustrated it or published it and I do not receive any residual checks from for recommending books - although that would be nice don't get me wrong.....)