Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm waiting for the nominations to come in........

So, as I have mentioned MANY MANY times before.....I think I am definitely a candidate for "Mom of the Year" - not the one many people think of when they hear this know who & what I'm talking about...that Mom who always has the clothes laid out the night before, lunches made and you see her at school drop off and she looks like she just came straight from the salon (you know when your hair stylist blows your hair out and you look like a million bucks for almost 24 hours...)...THAT Mom........

The "Mom" I'm talking about is more of a mom like me (kind of like at the Oscars....most people are waiting to see who won "Best Actor" because that is the most prestigious award would be more like the one for "Best Original Dramatic Score" or something like that....) - just trying to get everyone on the same page here....

As I sit here writing this, I have just put the baby down for a nap in a swim diaper, yes I said it, a freakin' swim diaper.....why you ask? That's all that is available here right now....and what did my two older kids just have for lunch? The same thing they had for breakfast - duh! We have double breakfast around here - it gives the kids lots of carbs and an amazing sugar rush that usually ends in simultaneous meltdowns, it's a beautiful thing.....

It is only mid-June, school is winding down for my oldest, she only has one day left and my kids are already exclaiming that "They are very bored and their toys are for babies and they want to do something fun..." It might sound like I have a bunch of brats under my roof, and that might be true every so often....I think it's more a combination of the monsoon-like conditions outside and the fact that if I have to build one more Lego car I am going to go postal....seriously, don't be surprised Townspeople (you know who you are) if you hear of some whacked out chick on top of the Bell Tower with a semi-automatic weapon....or maybe a Nerf gun (cuz' that's all I really carry...)

I sit here wondering how I am going to get through two more months of summer when summer has only just begun, how am I going to not look like the crazy mom at the pool who can't control her kids? I am trying to be optimistic and figure out how I will manage but I truly believe this will be the toughest summer I have had since I decided to have kids......

I just warmed up my coffee in the microwave for the 4th time this morning and it is after lunch, I'm sure most people with kids at home have already done their meal planning for the week, played rainy day games and managed to iron their husband's shirts......all with a smile on their face of course.....

Me? I'll be lucky if I get to that mid-afternoon karate lesson with everyone in clothes that don't resemble pajamas.......Maybe I SHOULD just give in and let my kids do something they want to far they have suggested taking all of the ingredients out of the cabinets and seeing what recipes they can invent (that sounds like a lot of fun for me!) or play with the neighbors chickens (more fun for me, not so much for my nice neighbor), being "Mom of the Year" is a lot of work, so many decisions to make.....

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