Friday, January 20, 2012

Wasting Time 101

I'm starting a homeschool class titled 'Wasting Time 101" for anyone interested.  Although, I suspect in these parts, no one would show up (without a bag over their head so they couldn't be identified).  Time wasting is not something most people admit can be embarrassing, especially when you're a stay at home mom and you admit to not dusting, de-crusting, or whatever the hell it is we are exactly supposed to be doing on a daily basis.

I'm actually giving myself a "Get Out of Jail Free" card this week as I am sick and I have been a taxi cab service for the past few days.  "Living Out of Your Car 101" will be my next post, so more on that later....

Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, I have very "active" Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest accounts, to name a few.  Am I ashamed?  A little......  Facebook is really for my babysitters to communicate to each other on whether or not the captain of the football team is asking them to prom or who they're hangin' with at the moment, Twitter is for people who love hashmarks and bigger causes than my own (see Girl Scout Cookies & Band Raffles) and Pinterest is for visionaries, dreamers and people who can actually make it happen, which I never will, I just like to look like I have all these plans but in reality I'm watching "16 and Pregnant" or "Toddlers & Tiaras" while I "Pin".........

I actually am jealous of all the moms I know who have these amazingly clean and organized homes, who can cook a decent meal at night and it's ready to go when everyone's hungry and who can put a "To Do" list together and actually shower, get dressed, get in their car and execute every day (see? that just tires me out typing that much...)

What I think I need to do is take a "technology break" (this scares me just thinking about it), but it really is necessary.  Just this morning my 4 year old came up to me wanting me to tie ribbons up and down his arms as he was so bored because I was busy having a mock political debate on Facebook, something I'm not very good at and don't really like to get involved in.  So, I probably should have closed up the ol' MacBook and starting the ribbon tying instead of saying to him, "Keep trying, you're getting really good at doing that yourself!"

I found a good article titled "8 Simple Ways To Take A Technology Break" and I think I'm going to read it and I think I'm going to try it for at least 24 hours.......(note: "think" being the key word here)

Perhaps then, my poor husband can come home and not eat out of a can or the freezer and my kids will actually start growing properly because I've provided them a nutritious meal.  Maybe we will stop rooting through the dirty clothes basket because mom forgot to wash the uniform AGAIN!  Clothes will be laid out the night before, breakfast will be on the table and we will saunter out to the bus stop rather than sprint full speed to the car with clothes half on.  The dry cleaning will be hung in the closet, shelves will be labeled, and I will knit dog booties for my Lab so her feet don't get too cold in the snow......

So "I'm going black" (2 days late but it still counts in my head) and I'm referring to technology here for all you smart asses out there.....

(Hmm....wonder if anyone has a board on Pinterest dedicated to this....?)

{Photo credit to Dumb Little Man's Article "8 Simple Ways To Take A Technology Break"}

1 comment:

Cortney said...

Who are these stay at home moms with clean houses and well-nourished children??? Certainly not in Dover, NH I tell you! If you find them, don't let Farmer will raise the bar to completely unreachable heights...