I'll admit...we aren't having the "best" year here in the G house....but - one thing I always try and do is take pictures of my kids to document their growth and the good times (so we don't just reflect on the bad...) I don't really have the funds right now for professional photography but I looked at my kids recently and realized that they are on their way to not needing me...which scares the heck out of me. Yes, I complain about the whining, the crying, the fighting - but things I will miss in a few years: the hugs (even in front of their friends), the snuggling, the crawling into bed in the middle of the night, the book reading......it is all going by too fast and if I could I would stop time just for a while so I could sit back and truly take it all in before it's gone.
I met a photographer in my area, (sorry if you are reading this and you don't live on the North Shore of Boston), who truly captures the innocence and beauty of childhood. I am not getting paid to write about her or anything like that but I love showing people her pictures, even if they don't live near me, as they truly inspire you to look at these moments and cherish them....now I know some people might be saying right now - "Is this Blogger mom getting a little sappy on us?"
Well....maybe just for today.....
Check it out if you have a chance - as I have to point out talent when I see it, if I only had this gift....

Happy November!
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