Friday, August 8, 2008

How many times a day do you warm up your coffee? it is 11:35 a.m. EST on Friday and I just warmed up my coffee for the 5th time - I am not exaggerating either - I swear - I warmed it up two times with fresh coffee and three times in the microwave - it is so weird not to even have time to sit and drink a cup of coffee anymore. (I got through only writing two paragraphs of the blog today and decided to ditch the coffee for a healthy snack of nachos - I'm not sure why people don't look to me for health advice....?)

I have read at least a dozen "organizational" books that say to start your morning earlier than your family by about an hour or so - this enables you to do the things you want before your household gets up. No offense to these authors as I truly respect their ability to write and get published but who can really do that? I just got through my newborn phase with baby #3 and he was sleeping through the night (briefly) and then the teething started (here we are up again in the middle of the night) so I am still tired in the morning and the only thing that gets me out of bed is a poopie diaper or one of my kids complaining of hunger pains.

NEW FEATURE (How exciting is this???!!!)
My favorite website of the day:
Do you have a dog? We have just one now after losing our older dog earlier this year - but I promise you if you click on this website you will get as laugh and your little ones will love it!

Today's post is dedicated to Chance - we miss you buddy!

1 comment:

Gary Wood said...

I have learned to drink my coffee cold.