Now, am I using my Wii as a "wiibysitter (A word the "Urban dictionary" defines as "utilizing Nintendo's Wii console as a babysitter when one should be parenting")? Well, maybe there are times when I am.....I'm not afraid to admit it, does this make me a less than great parent? I'm sure in some people's eyes, yes, it does. Do I really care if there are parents out there who are judging me for using this electronic device to keep my older kids happy so I can get some things done??? The answer is no......well, depending on the day in which case the answer could be yes.....
It's a hard job being a mom - you are constantly judged for everything you do, do you read to your kids enough? do you let them play too many video games? do you feed them processed foods? do you give them antibiotics when they are sick? Ugh! Enough already! So many mothers feel a certain sense of satisfaction when they can say they feed little Johnny all organic foods and he can already read and he's not even 4! Well, to those mothers I say "Good for you! You have won the mom of the year award! So picture that freakin' award in your head and I hope it makes you sleep better at night!" (I know what makes me sleep better at night - a few vodka drinks....but I digress...)
For now, I think I'll go get my kids another Gogurt and let them play some more Wii so I can paint my toenails while the baby rubs snot on my pants......